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I (I've been trying less these days to refer to Charles and I as we, as if he and I are not two separate people)((but in this sentence, when I say 'I', I actually do mean 'we' because, well, we both have done the thing I am about to describe)) have moved to Phoenix, Arizona.

While I do tend towards impulsive actions based on feelings (a true 4w5 / INFP), I wouldn't really describe this decision to uproot my Midwestern life as difficult. It was easy to leave in the middle of a Chicago winter (albeit a fairly mild one) and my brother has been trying to convince at least one of his siblings to join him in sunny Arizona for years now.

These, though, are details that I doubt anyone outside of family is really that interested in. Already, my own interest re: the reasoning behind our recent move has peaked and sharply plummeted. I can feel myself slipping towards oblivion ... so here's a view of what our apartment looked like a few days ago that I feel accurately reflects the overall whirlwind* vibe of our first two weeks in Arizona.


*temporarily moving in with my brother, working from home, searching for a job, not finding a job (yet!), getting around without a car, looking for apartments, finding an apartment, moving into said apartment, trying to thrift furniture, totally caving and just getting a bunch of Ikea furniture, feeling blessed and overwhelmed at the same time by all of the new and beautiful things around us, etc.

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